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My Pathway Into Fitness

I remember being lost, confused, but excited about working out. My 5'8, 150lb frame could barely bench press a plate or come close to squatting my weight. Worst part of it all was that I lacked confidence. Confidence in the weight room, confidence out on the field, and confidence with myself. Little did I know, that I would soon find myself developing a life-changing relationship with fitness. 


This didn't happen all at once. I'm not selling you a "buy my 60-day training course to get your dream body". It doesn't work that way, and whoever does is frankly lying to you. It's a mix of things, and it takes time. It depends on your goal. It depends on what type of training you enjoy. It depends on what food you like to eat. Do you want to count calories or would you want to find a way to eat without tracking everything? These are my goals when it comes to coaching. How can we find the easiest, most enjoyable path to unleash your physique so you can be PROUD of your body. 

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